IDAscope progress

Originally, I only wanted to give a short update on the stuff I did to IDAscope at the very end of the 29c3 post… Apparently I created enough content to let this be a post of its own.

So now I want to cover up the recent activities around IDAscope from the last month or so. I’m currently working on graphing stuff, as some of you might have seen on Twitter already but I will cover this in an extra post and full detail when it has reached a presentable (release-worthy, that is) state.

Late November I had some free time to push IDAscope a bit forward. As can be seen from the commit history, most changes were bugfixes, covering:

Filtering looks like this:


Probably more interesting is the visual feature I am working on.

Graphing Function Relationship

My current progress on graphing includes being able to extract the structure of arbitrary functions and their referenced children from IDA and generating a graph layout based on this information. However, nodes can still be moved freely around once the calculated layout has been “unlocked”. Incoming and outgoing references are coloured green/red to improve the navigation. API calls are not shown but shall be nested within the display of their respective calling function (red box to expand and show these API calls). The graph can be dragged around, navigated with keyboard and seamlessly zoomed in and out.
At the moment, it looks like this:


Before I actually fill this with more functionality such as actions upon clicks (move to function, rename function, displaying API calls within function, optional colouring, you name it, …) I have to solve other, more essential issues. :)

When displaying graphs of functions with a lot of children, I run into the same issues as you all experienced with the WinGraph overviews:

large graphs

You don’t really get the structure any longer and everything becomes unreadable. However, having this window open besides your one function view already is a benefit, I guess. Furthermore, removing API calls from the set of nodes being graphed improved the situation a bit as well but I am not satisfied yet.

A property of these large graphs is that their aspect ratio is massively out of order, they are much wider than high. This can likely be fixed by patching the graph layout algorithm I am currently using. Again, thanks to bdcht: for providing his lib grandalf!

While relationship between functions is probably easier to grasp in my graphs already…

large graph zoomed

… I want to work towards something that is really helpful for browsing functions and recognizing patterns among their relationship.

Right now it’s too “alpha” to show around some code already but please contact me if you have ideas you want to see embedded into this or see potential for improvement!

We’ll see where I end up with this.
Make sure to check out the repository from time to time to keep up with the additions and improvements. Larger releases are announced here in the blog, shorter ones on Twitter.

link to original post on blogspot.